NEWS ed Eventi

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In Venice, if we look at the centre of every campo, courtyard or cloister, we will probably see an ornamental well-head (vera da pozzo)

Mostly carved out of marble or Istrian stone, well-heads cover a shaft leading to an underground cistern where rainwater was once collected and filtered

In 1858, there were over 6500 well-heads in the city


For centuries, Venetian wells were the only means of ensuring fresh water

Venice’s underground does not have easy-to-reach water tables, and rainwater was the only local source of drinking water

In times of exceptionally long droughts, the Venetians brought over fresh water in ships from mainland rivers and springs


The wells, no longer in use, had remained the city’s only source of fresh water until June 23rd 1884

when Venice’s first aqueduct opened, conveying fresh water from the mainland

To mark this event, a fountain jetting water into the air as high as 22 metres was built in the middle of Piazza San Marco!


The well-heads became a work of art in its own right

Until quite recently, in the centre of what is now the reading room of the Marciana Library, there was the monumental well designed by Jacopo Sansovino

This place was once the courtyard of the Zecca, the mint of the Republic of Venice

When, in 1904, the Zecca was transferred, the courtyard was covered and transformed into a reading room

The removed well-head was subsequently (1914) placed in the courtyard of Ca’ Pesaro, which now houses both the International Gallery of Modern Art and the Museum of Oriental Art


A rich series of wells, some of which are very ancient, can be admired in the Archaeological Museum and the Natural History Museum of Venice